Inflation is one of the most widely used and widely misunderstood concepts in economics. We’ve talked about it in a previous article, but I think …
Great Expectations: A tale of Economics and self-improvement
Expectations are one of the most important factors in macroeconomics. When central banks make decisions like increasing the interest rate or starting a QE program, …
The Macroeconomics Series (IV): Is unemployment really unavoidable?
Welcome back to the Macroeconomics Series! In this article, we are going to take a look at the last “big” concept that economists work with …
The Macroeconomics series (III): Inflation is not a monster
In our last article, we talked about inflation, economic growth and how output changes over time. We finished the article by saying that “inflation is …
The Macroeconomics Series (II): Inflation and growth
Our first article in this series on macroeconomics covered GDP (Gross Domestic Product). We made a distinction between nominal GDP and real GDP based on …
The Macroeconomics Series (I): Real GDP matters
Big figures sound scary. Our governments spend billions of euros/dollars/you name it every year in lots of different things. You might even know a few …
Data Science and COVID-19: predicting the spread using R
No one is safe from the dreaded COVID-19 nowadays. We did not want to write about it, but there is so much to analyse, predict …
Understanding bubbles through student loans
Economic cycles are one of the most, if not the most, important things we need to know when studying all kinds of economic phenomena. They …